Sunday, July 2, 2023


The NY Cancer Resource Alliance and the Integrative Pain Healers group spotlights the work of David Minkoff, M.D. co-founder of LifeWorks Wellness Center (Clearwater, FL)- recognized as one of the largest alternative medical clinics in the US. Dr. Minkoff has spent decades in the practicing in the areas of pediatrics, infectious disease and integrative medicine.

IPHA NEWS presents an exclusive report about an alternative cancer therapeutic protocol called IPT or INSULIN POTENTIATION THERAPY. IPT is widely applied and supported by some of the top integrative cancer treatment experts like Dr. Jesse Stoff (Onco-Immunologist). Dr. Minkoff has recorded significant success with this program and is underway the launch an expansion project to train other doctors on the science of IPT.

by: Dr. David Minkoff

The Wall Street Journal yesterday had an article about cancer doctors now looking at less extreme therapies, lower dose therapies for showing success in colon cancer. Now, we've known this forever, you know, you are killing people with your therapies. But yeah, I think we're having an impact on them and um, you know, I mean, ideally they would come to their senses if you had the, the shoulders of MD Anderson or Sloan behind, Hey, let's figure out what would be the optimum usage of chemo drugs for cancer. Why you could get a lot done in a short period of time that would help 10, you know, billions of people. 

The basic mechanism of a cancer cell was figured out in the late 1920's to early 1930's. A German medical doctor named Dr. Otto Warburg made the observation that the metabolism of a cancer cell is different than the metabolism of a healthy cell- and that if you wanted to find one common denominator of cancer cells, it's that their metabolism is altered, such that the cell does not utilize oxygen in order to make energy. And because of that, the cell gets mostly dependent on glucose for its fuel and not on fatty acids or proteins. 

Most people who get cancer get a PET scan. A PET scan gives the person an IV dose of a glucose molecule that has a  radioactive tag so the scanner can pick up where it goes. Now, because it's a glucose molecule and the cancer cells are utilizing glucose more than a healthy cell (and they take up glucose way better than a healthy cell) if you do this scan, the areas where the cancer lights up on that scan will give you a pretty good estimation of how much more glucose are they taking up than the healthy cells. Hence, if the cancer is in the liver, the cells in the liver will take up more than the non cancer areas.  The scan measures the glucose uptake per cell. It records it as SUV or sugar uptake value. A normal are is SUV 1. In the cancer areas it can go from 5 or 10 to even fifty. This is a reflection of the glucose uptake and thus the rate of metabolism of the cancer cell. An SUV of 5 means the rate of growth is 5x the normal cell.  This proves that these cancer cells are utilizing glucose a lot as their main source of fuel. 

The brilliance of DONATO GARCIA SR. was that you could trick the cancer cell into taking up things that weren't good for it if you were able to pair them with increased glucose. In order for glucose to get in a cell, it needs a door opener because there's a door where glucose goes in and that door needs a key. That key is INSULIN. In a healthy person, you eat some mashed potatoes (and) your blood sugar goes up.  Insulin is released from your pancreas and it goes around the body and the bloodstream, then into the cells.  It opens doors so that the blood sugar can go from your blood. So you eat the mashed potatoes and your blood sugar goes up, and the insulin is put into the blood stream and brings the sugar level back down. This is what normally happens all the time with eating. The way IPT works is that we actually give insulin to the fasting patient. This brings the blood sugar way down. This alone stresses the cancer cells as they are dependent on sugar being available. . 

Meanwhile, your other cells can utilize fatty acids, proteins and amino acids for fuel. So the insulin also opens up all the doors on these cancer cells. If we have a healthy cell next to the cancer cell, it's got one glucose door and it opens.  The cancer cell (let's say) has 10 extra insulin receptors and opens up 10 doors. Now you induce the chemotherapy or anti-cancer therapies- and this can be done in VERY LITTLE AMOUNTS because you're going to deliver multiples of 10, 20, 50 times the drug to the cell that's got the open glucose doors. Because the doors are open, the treatment is put into the bloodstream, a bit of glucose is given, which then these cells suck up all the treatment you're giving them more efficiently.  

Hence, the cancer cells get a massive hit and your (healthy) regular cells get only a little hit. By a 'little hit', this means practically nothing-- so insignificant that nobody loses their hair. We watch very carefully what the dosage is so that their immune system doesn't go down.  Our goal is to try to kill cancer cells while preserving the immune system. The problem with full dose chemo is that they're killing healthy cells at the same rate as cancer cells. So hair loss, mouth ulcers, and suppression of red and white blood cells usually occurs. Even the best chemo drugs only kill about 80% of the cancer cells and the rest can live on. If the immune system of the patient gets very damaged by the therapy, then the cancer grows back and takes over.  Most cancer patients do not die of their cancer, they die because they get infections and their immune system doesn't work. This traditional  strategy has been used for 50 years with marginal success for long term quality and quantity of life. 

(to be continued)


Source 1: The Lancet ONCOLOGY
Insulin is responsible for cellular glucose uptake and mitogenic signalling cascades in cancer cells,1 and can promote cell proliferation, survival, invasiveness, angiogenesis, immunomodulation, and chemoresistance. Why, then, would some medical practitioners claim that the use of insulin and glucose can improve the outcomes of patients with cancer and facilitate cancer therapy de-escalation?

S G Ayre, D Perez Garcia y Bellon, D Perez Garcia Jr
"In insulin potentiation therapy the hormone insulin is used as an adjunct in the medical management of the chronic degenerative diseases including malignant neoplasia. In this, the recognized physiological action of insulin--that of increasing cell membrane permeability--is taken advantage of to potentiate the pharmacological actions of medications administered concurrently in the therapy. This potentiation occurs because of the heretofore unrecognized applicability of this membrane permeabilizing effect of insulin to a much wider range of tissues than is classically accepted, and further the observed effect of this permeabilizing phenomenon as it relates to drug molecules, most importantly the antineoplastic agents...."


There's very few clinics around that have been able to figure out this IPT strategy. A lot of doctors who go into integrated medicine have a hard time making it. Our clinic supports the expansion of this protocol to help other clinics understand and promote IPT.  We help everyone understand the effective treatment modalities for these various things where you could educate doctors and save them 25 years of R&D. It took me about 25 years of seminars and expanded training and there's still so much to learn!  I continue to explore if there's a better way to do what we're doing. 

Within the next six months or so, we're putting together a package program where doctors can get a comprehensive course on IPT. I have two new doctors working with me in my clinic and in a matter of three months and I have them up and running.  They're able to do what I'm doing with the same kind of success that I have had. This methodology can be duplicated. The overall intention of my program is to provide this for people where it's organized and accessible and so far, we have great success with it. 

Our protocol involves taking blood from the patient and sending it to the RGCC laboratory in Greece and they can test to see which therapies will kill the cancer cells the best.. Here, we can be alerted to the weaknesses of the patient's specific cancer cell.  The test includes all the major chemo drugs and newer immune drugs and also natural substances like vitamin C, garlic, curcumin, etc. it takes the guess work out of which therapy will be the most effective. It also gives us the answers about how you can get to it, the chemo drugs we need and how you can block glucose getting in. From here, you'll know how you can block or turn on its anti-cancer chromosomes. Now you have a whole bunch of things hitting these cells at the same time. 

Patients get IPT once a week. To this is added IV vitamin C, ozone with methylene blue, pulsed  magnetic field, hyperbaric oxygen With over 20 different treatments, the cancer cells are now in a panic -- and the cells are now thinking "I can't figure this out, I'm gonna die". I believe  this   is the winning strategy that outperforms traditional approaches in most cases. I think the best therapy is a combination of these various modalities, which most of them are immune supportive of our own immune system and attack cancer cells. 

You can't kill cancer with just carrot juice or Kelly enzymes for most people. These cancers are super smart. They have the most sophisticated methods of figuring out how to survive in the face of what you're doing. This is one of the big failures of regular chemotherapy-- it's a one trick pony. The oncologist commonly says, “It doesn't matter what you eat, it doesn't matter what your stress level is, it doesn't matter, what vitamins you take—“you just take this chemotherapy and we're going to save you".  This has hardly been a winning strategy for most people. We do integrative oncology, which means we take the best of the pharmaceuticals and the best from nature and in combination we get the best results.

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Dr. David Minkoff is an American physician and best selling author. He is the co-founder and medical director of LifeWorks Wellness Center and a regular speaker at numerous conferences on health, wellness, Lyme disease, ozone therapy, alternative cancer treatment, and autoimmune diseases. (see Dr. Minkoff's complete bio)


News Extra:


On April 20, NYCRA NEWS conducted a special interview with DR. RAJ ATTARIWALA, Nuclear Medicine Radiologist, PhD Biomedical Engineer and  Founding Radiologist of Prenuvo. Known commonly as "Dr. Raj", he shares his commitment to improving on the current state of modalities in cancer diagnostics by offering  advancements on the performance, range and design of our current MRI technology.  "In simplistic terms, having a full-body access comports to the fact that everything is connected in one way or another.  Tumor cells start somewhere, but they can spread almost anywhere they want. If we find a cancer in stage one (which usually means confined to the organ of origin) what happens afterwards is to ask if it is IN FACT confined to that organ, or if it has spread somewhere else. This is called staging." (See full feature)

The NY Cancer Resource Alliance is proud to honor the work of Dr. Donato Pérez García - leading global expert in IPT/IPTLD (Insulin Potentiation therapy)- a bioregenerative medical procedure.  Dr. Donato has been practicing the IPT protocol since 1983 and is a current and active physician in Tijuana, Mexico.  He is Certified in Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy. He is also a Member, Advisor and Professor of the Medical College for Regenerative Medicine. He focused his research on the expansion of cancer treatment, arthritic conditions and an array of chronic illnesses since founded by two prior generations of his forefathers in the 50's.  See his exclusive interview available only on NYCRA NEWS.

ONCO-IMMUNOLOGY (Originally posted Jun 27, 2019 @ The First Responders Cancer Awareness TV)  WESTBURY — NYCRA (NY Cancer Resource Alliance) and the First Responders Cancer Awareness group presents Part 3 of our program: "A REVIEW OF ALL CANCERS". Host "Cousin" Sal Banchitta, ret. FDNY brings you our "Walking Cancer Encyclopedia" - Dr. Jesse Stoff who presents the world of cancer care in a way that's easy-to follow and helps us understand our body's Immune System. Dr. Stoff is a world-renowned speaker and published author about this topic and is one of NYCRA's top clinical advisors and technical authorities in the field of Cancer Solutions. (See full video interview)

10/8/2021- SYNDICATED NEWS (Pix-CH11): Breast Cancer Awareness (Presented by: Marvin Scott) Veteran journalist and recipient of 11 prestigious Emmy awards for journalistic achievement, Marvin Scott presents one of the most under-reported cancers in America: MALE BREAST CANCER. In collaboration with the Male Breast Cancer Coalition, Mr. Scott interviews survivors and clinical cancer imaging expert, NYC's own Dr. Robert Bard- who uncovers the scientific analysis and scanning options of this insidious disease that's rising in numbers. Mr. Scott has entrusted the expertise of Dr. Bard on prior health news reports including Melanoma, Skin Cancer and Prostate Cancer. (See Video)

Originally published: 1/19-2023- The ARE YOU DENSE ADVOCACY committee continues to recognize the importance of patients receiving their own personal medical information and directs the Food and Drug Administration to ensure that mammography reports and summaries received by patients and their providers include appropriate information about breast density specified by the Secretary, including, at a minimum, the effect of breast density in masking the presence of breast cancer on a mammogram, the qualitative assessment of the provider who interpreted the mammogram, and a reminder to patients that individuals with dense breast tissue should talk with their providers if they have any questions or concerns about their summary. From a prior report (3/28/2019) the Department of Health and Human Services, the FDA announced changes to the MQSA (Mammography Quality Standards Act) to include reporting of dense breast tissue to the patient- by and large, thanks to the Are You Dense Advocacy, Inc. (see complete feature)

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